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About the Lumigen Instrument Center

The Lumigen Instrument Center (LIC) was established in 1982 as the Department of Chemistry Analytical Center. The center was fully renovated in 2011 through the generous support of A. Paul Schaap to become a university-wide state-of-the-art facility maintained through funds of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Division of Research.

The LIC is located in the basement of the A. Paul Schaap Chemistry Building and offers instrumentation and services to researchers in several departments at the university, as well as the local Detroit and regional businesses on a shared basis. Both research and teaching are important components of the LIC. With over 70 WSU research groups and 25 local companies as users, the center has a strong reputation for the acquisition, usage and maintenance of shared scientific instrumentation.

The Lumigen Instrument Center supports pure and applied research needing molecular and material characterization and quantification:

  • Teaching and training courses
  • Instrument usage
  • Technical services: analysis, experimental design and project consultation

The facility currently includes five core areas of expertise: mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, x-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, and small instruments. The staff includes Ph.D.-level managers of the mass spectrometry, NMR, and x-ray crystallography, and electron microscopy laboratories.

Our mission

To provide friendly, professional, and timely high-quality research and teaching support services to faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students of Wayne State University and the Department of Chemistry. The Lumigen Instrument Center will also provide such services to the greater Detroit-area and Michigan scientific community.