Bruker D8 Venture for chemical crystallography

Bruker D8 Venture machineThis single-crystal x-ray diffractometer is used for determining 3D structures from single crystals. With dual micro-focus sources (Cu and Mo), the D8 Venture can collect on a variety of samples, such as solid-state inorganics, organometallics, organics, metal-organic frameworks, proteins, peptides, etc.

The Photon III CPAD area detector supports both photon counting and charge integration for improved sensitivity and dynamic range and provides real-time data processing while operating in shutterless data acquisition mode for fast data collection. Researchers can submit samples for analysis or undergo training.


A. Paul Schaap Chemistry Building, Room 50.1

Statement of acknowledgment

The D8 Venture was funded through a National Institutes of Health (NIH) supplement grant. Please acknowledge the use of this instrument in your publications, presentations, and dissertations. A suggested statement can read: "This work made use of the single-crystal XRD that is funded by the National Institutes of Health supplement grant #3R01EB027103-02S1."
